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 1/31/2005  Greetings Danny & Deb - wonderful fabulous news about the donor!! Still praying here & at our church. No stopping us now!! Sounds like no stopping the donor train either. Love Mike & Sue (cousin) Denner
 1/30/2005  Dan and Deb Great news on the donor!! We'll keep praying for a perfect match. I was really glad to read that you had a chance to get out with Mike Tim and the family. You have a wonderful support group and we know you will beat this thing. Love John and Diane Perry
 1/30/2005  Dan Hi Dan and Deb. I'm still praying and hoping for good news soon. Have a wonderful trip to Captiva. I think often of our evening a few years ago down there when we laughed ourselves goofy!. Tess and Ed O'Hara talk of it often. I'll keep in touch and God Bless. Love Aunt Jeanne
 1/3/2005  I was directed to your site by a friend whose sister is battling MDS. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Thanks for sharing.
 1/28/2005  Hi Dan Wow I was so happy to hear of the fall-back donor for you. That truly is great news! Jeanne Blenkush
 1/28/2005  Great news Dan!! I hope you find your Bo Derek but if a 10 can't be located at least you've got a good match to fall back on. TJ
 1/27/2005  Dan Congratulatios! I am so happy to hear about the first donor. Hang in there you will find the perfect ten! LOL bbmcgn
 1/25/2005  Dan: I am so sorry to hear of your difficulties and if I can help please let me know. Kindest regards Ole Jensen former employee of McGlynn's
 1/25/2005  Great news about your donor! Elsie & I send our best & our thoughts & prayers are with you. Please send our best to your Dad/Brothers when you see them next. Chuck
 1/23/2005  Dan Diane and I are praying for a match for you every day. Megan and her boyfriend were at the Timberwolves game that you went to with Megan. She called me from the game and said they were sitting across the court from the McGlynn's. I don't think they noticed you until the fourth quarter. What a great offer for you and Deb to go down to Florida. I'm sure you will both have a great time. We continue to keep you and Deb in our prayers and ask that Gob blesses you everyday. John and Diane Perry