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 4/25/2005  WHEW!!! Glad to hear that catheter is gone - Mike cringes (and cries - he's kind of a baby about the body part) even at the thought. Hope your rest day is going well. Hi to Deb Molly & your dad. M & S of MO
 4/25/2005  Hi Danny Boy - My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are constantly on my mind. The mere fact that I am doing this proves the point. As you undoubtedly know. Peace of Jesus Dan - Tom Rains
 4/26/2005  "Dan I got together with Bob Brian & Doug for prayer this morning and we prayed for your surgery. Your are in God's hands through it and we trust Him for the outcome. Here is a verse for you Philippians 4:4-7 " Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer & petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." May you feel the peace of God through the presence of the Holy Spirit as you go through this battle. His strength is there for you and you can have it simply by asking. You are a very special person to me. You showed me an incredible amount of strength and support at work and demonstrated to me what integrity in business is all about. God Bless you and He will carry you through this challenge John Prichard "
 4/26/2005  Dan & Deb- I just saw your website for the first time today. You really did a nice job. I will be checking each day to see how you are doing. Please know that I am thinking of you both and praying for a quick recovery. I'm so happy to hear that you found a 10! Take care Joni Jacobson
 4/26/2005  Hi Dan and Deb Well today is the big day. Diane and I are keeping you in our thoughs and prayers for a successful transplant. God will help you feel calm and give you strength in this trying time. God Bless you both. You have been a inspiration to us all. John and Diane
 4/26/2005  Hi Dan! It's me Jessica Amy's friend remember me? I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and hope you recover soon. You are a great guy and I'm thinking of you!! Love-Jessica
 4/27/2005  Giving a special prayer for you on this special day. Larry Cothern
 4/27/2005  Dan I am so happy to hear how well everything is going! You can't imagine how many friends here in Cal. I have requested prayers from in the last couple of days!! So glad your Dad is there and give my love to everyone!! Jeanne Ann
 4/27/2005  Hi Dan Dan Had lunch with Nate today he related your story to me - unbelievable! I will read your journal tonight meanwhile GOOD LUCK! Mike McDaniel
 4/27/2005  Dano: Congrats on a successful transplant! Now on to learning foreign languages --- do you think you'll be added to the list of people detained in airports for one reason or another?!!?;) Looking forward to seeing you soon. Bob