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 4/22/2005  Hi Dan & Deb: Sounds like things are going as well as can be expected. Excited that you have a donor and your next step to healing will be soon. We have been praying for you both. John really misses you Dan and your gift to make him laugh. It seems you have kept up the gift of laughter and maybe it is a family trait that Molly shares. We are checking your website daily for updates. Just know that we are thinking of you and praying for a quick healing and recovery. Love John and Patti Prichard
 4/22/2005  Hey Deb and Dan....i wanted to let you know that i am thinking about both of you! I cannot wait until we can just sit on the dock and enjoy the lake again...summer will be here before we know it. good luck with everything you are in my prayers every night Liz Cutshall
 4/21/2005  "Hi Dan & Deb Nice pictures!! For you the "bald look" is temporary I have had it for 40yrs and counting. You are indeed an inspiation to those of us that have had far less serious medical problems. Chuck Corey "
 4/21/2005  "Hi Danny & Deb!! More great updates from you & fun "hair shaving" pictures! What a wild ride you are both on - it's terrific to hear all the laughing going on (visit from Molly etc.). You truly are an example of the wonders of a positive attitude & we think it'll carry you thru this. As usual in our thoughts-in our prayers Mike & Sue in MO"
 4/21/2005  "Hi Danny & Deb!! More great updates from you & fun "hair shaving" pictures! What a wild ride you are both on - it's terrific to hear all the laughing going on (visit from Molly etc.). You truly are an example of the wonders of a positive attitude & we think it'll carry you thru this. As usual in our thoughts-in our prayers Mike & Sue in MO"
 4/20/2005  Hi Dan and Deb Just a brief note to say we are keeping you in our thoughts every day and we are so amazed at your wonderful attitude! If these next few days are bad please know that you have people all over the country pulling for you and keeping you and the whole family in our prayers! Love from California Jeanne Ann and Lothar
 4/20/2005  Dan: I was re-connecting with Randal Baker last week and he referred me to your website. I figure if you could lead the 2% cost savings initiatives for Paul Oliver and get us there then you can surely beat this!!! I am thinking about you and sending all my prayers and positive thoughts. Your haircut pictures were cute! Julie Moore (now at Ecolab!)
 4/20/2005  Like your new do! Did Deb save all those funny hats you wore at work to raise money for the charity's? You must be going threw hell and it will get worse before it gets better. I want to send you things via E Mail but I know you don't want any spam or viruses etc. etc. (hee hee) Love bbmcgn
 4/19/2005  "Love the ponytail. It's you. Consider it for your future hairstyle "on the outside. " -Linnie"
 4/19/2005  Hi Dan -- I love your haircut photos! Keep positive and hang-on to your humor. Kevin wants to know if you need any marine batteries for your boat? God Bless. Cathy & Kevin Doucette