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 5/11/2005  Hi Dan and Deb It's Lisa's mom Vanassa. Lisa has been keeping me updated and I have been following your website to see how you are doing. I have to say your written words are an inspiration to me. I think you two should write a book you certainly have a knack for sharing your story with such an incredibly positive attitude and a wonderful warm sense of humor. I just wanted to say hi and let you know I am thinking of you and praying like crazy for a quick full recovery. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers. We will miss you at Ben and Lisa's Memorial weekend party. However I think there will be a few parties once this is over for you folks. Please take care.
 4/20/2005  Hi Dan and Deb Just a brief note to say we are keeping you in our thoughts every day and we are so amazed at your wonderful attitude! If these next few days are bad please know that you have people all over the country pulling for you and keeping you and the whole family in our prayers! Love from California Jeanne Ann and Lothar
 3/27/2005  Hi Dan and Deb Just a short greeting on this Easter Sunday from California and your cuz. You were all in our prayers at Easter service today at our Church and will continue to be in the following days and weeks. God Bless you all! Jeanne Ann and Lothar
 6/20/2005  Hi Dan and Deb Just another note from California and we are so happy to hear things are going well and you get to go home and see family! We continue to have you in our thoughts and prayers and 50+ days is good! Glad Father's Day was good and we send love to all especially your Dad when you see or talk to him. Love Jeanne Ann and Lothar PS We are off to Vancouver BC for a couple of weeks so you won't hear from us for a while. You will be in our thoughts!
 5/19/2005  Hi Dan and Deb So happy to read the good news about your progress. We were down in S. Cal. visiting our kids and grandkids for the last few days and this is all really good news. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers and will keep checking up and sending notes as we can. Next week most of my family (Sue and Mike John and Diane and Martha and Doug) will be here for a short visit. Tried to get Gramma Jeanne to come but she likes to stay home. Will send a note from the gang when they are here. Love and hugs and continued prayers Jeanne Ann and Lothar
 6/1/2005  Hi Dan and Deb This was the best news we have seen so far that you got to go home for the weekend. Yea!! We had almost all the family (siblings) here from Thurs until yesterday afternoon and we had good intentions of writing a note from all but we where on the go so much never got a chance unless John did it when I didn't know--We had such a wonderful time went to Tahoe our cabin wine tasting and much more wine tasting at our house. It was just fabulous! We love you and hope this good news continues Rest up now!! Love Jeanne Ann
 4/26/2005  Hi Dan and Deb Well today is the big day. Diane and I are keeping you in our thoughs and prayers for a successful transplant. God will help you feel calm and give you strength in this trying time. God Bless you both. You have been a inspiration to us all. John and Diane
 4/23/2005  Hi Dan and Deb Your photos are great and your attitude is even better! You are our thoughts and prayers every day now and Tues (think that is what I just read) will be extra coming from here. Wish there was more we could do--just know we care! Jeanne Ann and Lothar in rainy California
 1/1/2005  Hi Dan and Deb! I so love being able to read what you are thinking/ feeling first hand. Thank you for that. Unbelievable news regarding the number of possible/potential donors! I may even have to admit that praying is working. I enjoyed seeing your family at the Christmas party. Everyone's strength was visible esp Dans. Deb your love was visible. Lauren Brown
 4/24/2005  Hi Dan and Debbie. Pearl and I keep up with your progress through Patty and Bob. We know you are going through a critical time and our prayers and many others also are with you. Keep up the good fight. Einar and Pearl Hamborg